Help is available 24/7/365
Life can be lonely, stressful, and at times, it can be dangerous too. We want you to know that help is always available and encourage you to reach out for help if you need it.
Family violence
If you are experiencing violence at home and want to talk to someone, help is available 24/7:
NWT Family Violence Crisis line at 1.866.223.7775
Kids Help Phone at 1.800.668.6868
Kids Help Phone via text: youth can text TALK to 686868 & adults can text WELLNESS to 741741
NWT Help Line at 1.800.661.0844
Contact the police at 9-1-1 if you are in immediate danger
Please visit our Family Violence Safety page for more information and our Safety Planning Resources website for information and tools to help keep you safe and contact information.
Sexual violence
Sexual assault is any sexual contact or behaviour without your consent, and it is a crime.
Sexual assault is never the fault of the person who experiences it.
Follow this link for information about sexual assault, consent, emergency services, and more.
Mental health resources
Canadian Mental Health Crisis Line at 1.888.353.2273
Canada Suicide Prevention Services (24/7) at 1.833.456.4566 or text support: 45645 (2pm - 10pm MT daily)
Hope for Wellness Help Line for Indigenous People (24/7) at 1.855.242.3310 (This service is provided in English and French, and arrangements can be made for services in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut.)
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls National Support Line (24/7) at 1.844.413.6649
Residential School Crisis Line for the Territories at 1.800.464.8106 and nationally (24/7) at 1.866.925.4411
Trans Lifeline at 1.877.330.6366
Please visit our Mental Health Resources page for more information.